I‘m on the home stretch of this book – just one more church to explore! I wish for a book like this for the rest of Revelation. While not in complete agreement with the author, it’s undeniably been helpful.
Weima‘s straightforward approach to historical context, minimalistic in my point of view, is refreshing. Believe me, I do love discovering the historical backgrounds of a text. However, sometimes interpreters put too much emphasis on cultural and historical context. For instance, when discussing events that occurred hundreds of years before the 1st audience, I question its relevance. I think Weima handled these issues clearly.
But hey, a bit more spice in the theological department would have been nice. A dash of open-mindedness and alternative views could have added some flavor! It would truly enrich understanding. 신학적 적용이 살짝 답답한 느낌이 들었던 것은 기분탓일까. 아무튼 재미있게 잘 읽었다. 아, 주로는 한글 번역본으로 읽었고 내용이 이해가 잘 안 될 때 영어책 뒤적임. 영어는 속도가 안 나서. ㅋ 모국어의 중요성. ㅎㅎㅎ

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