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Personal reflections & scribbles

SY 2019-2020

SY 2019-2020 is finally over. I never expected it to end this way, but surely we persevered together and finished strong. We went through volcano eruption, several earthquakes, and this pandemic, and I just can't believe all of these happened during this school year (now occasion water interruptions and power outage seem to be nothing). I've watched my students mature, not just physically, but emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually. It was a pure joy to walk alongside their journey of faith to ask questions about themselves and the world God created. It was a safe ground to do this. I am grateful for the school and parents who entrusted their precious souls to me and allowed me to have the freedom to design my class according to the needs of the students. I can't say this enough: I thoroughly enjoyed teaching middle schoolers, and I truly look forward to the next school year. My students were simply the best students ever. I learned so much by teaching & also from them. I already started to plan next year's lessons, too! Crazy!!!! Me and my planning/calendar obsession! Muhahahah!!!! It's the Gospel of John, my favorite gospel (and 1, 2, & 3 John and Revelation), and I can not put a hold for that!!! I hope I would be able to study these books over the summer just for personal gains while quarantined (and imprisoned with my BOYS!). BUT today, I am going to make New York style cheesecake and celebrate this special day.

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